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Strong Environmental Message in Wall-E inspired discussions in SFYAD 科幻電影激發環保反思

Writer's picture: Selene ChewSelene Chew

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, San Francisco YAD organized an “Earth Day Movie Party” featuring the movie “Wall-E” on April 18. 11 members and friends joined this online movie party with popcorn and drinks from the comfort of their homes. The movie was set in the distant future, where a small waste-collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind. The movie portrayed Earth in a state of waste and desolation, caused by the excessive toxic byproducts produced by the mindless pursuit of technological advancement. After the movie, the group discussed topics such as the connection between nature and humans, striking balance between technology, environment, human and animals, and the differences between surviving and living.

Sherry shared that living is about having meaning and purpose in life, versus surviving, which is just keeping yourself alive. Amanda emphasized on the need to maintain a healthy balance between a sustainable environment and advanced technology. Selene talked about how we are all part of nature, and that we should take care of it. The discussion ended with Venerable Miao Zhong, Advising Venerable of San Francisco YAD, alluded that the plant in the movie represents hope and connection, and encouraged the participants to ponder about the “plant” in our lives right now.

The event was one of the many online events organized by San Francisco YAD in response to the COVID-19 situation. San Francisco YAD will continue to host online events to lend social support for its members. The next event is Virtual Gaming on April 25th.

4月18日,下午舊金山佛光青年分團為響應第50週年地球日,組織舉辦了線上電影欣賞活動,共11位青年朋友參加,一起觀看了皮克斯2008年動畫電影「機器人總動員 Wall-E」。電影背景設置於未來人類在環境遭受嚴重污染後,不得不遠離地球,開始星際流浪,而在七百年後在地球上發現又有生命存在決定回到地球重建家園的故事。主角Wall-E是一個在地球上清理垃圾的小機器人,他在地球上找到的植物給了所有人類“回家”的希望。電影結束後,青年們圍繞科技,人類和環境的關係組織討論,探討在現代生活中,生存和生活的區別。

Sherry分享生活是有意義有目的的生存。 Amanda強調人類應該在自然環境可持續和發展現代科技中找到平衡。Selene說人類是自然的一部分,應該提起保護自然的責任。舊金山青年團輔導法師妙忠法師在討論最後總結到:電影中的生命體-植物象征著希望,鏈接了人類與自然的關系,人類想要回到地球是因為要找回內心和本真鏈接的地方。她啟示青年反思自己的“植物”在哪裏?代表自己希望的燈塔在哪裏?


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