On April 21st, 2018, 20 SF YAD volunteers arrived bright and early at 8:30 AM at Half Moon Bay, on a breezy, mild weather day. It was one of the California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) 20th Earth Day Restoration and Cleanup events, which occurs annually. Alongside volunteers from other organizations, SF YAD volunteers joined the “Green” Volunteer Group, led by some CSPF volunteers and workers, and went to a coastal meadow of Half Moon Bay to help de-weed invasive species. We learned about invasive species on the California Peninsula coast, and how to spot and remove them efficiently.
Armed with garden tools such as hoes, shovels, and garden gloves, our SF YAD volunteers tirelessly worked for 3 hours to remove invasive plants from the meadow. In the process, we learned from CSPF workers about how the invasive species, such as the ice plant, came to settle in California, and we learned first hand how they out competed and killed native species, such as the Californian poppy. This knowledge invigorated the volunteers to work extra hard.
After the volunteer event, SF YAD members gathered to have lunch. Afterwards, we hiked alongside the Half Moon Bay coastal trail for 2 miles to get to the beach, relaxed at the beach for a while, and walked back. Saturday’s activities were simultaneously an educational event for SF YAD volunteers, an environmental beneficial event for the Half Moon Bay landscape, and a chance to be outside on a beautiful Saturday.